Friday, July 21, 2006


the super Super(intendent)

Capistrano School District's Superintendent James Fleming is the latest sacrificial lamb of the priviledged parents' lobby in Orange County.

He was a star in the educational arena from Day One! In 1969, I attended UCI Extension to fulfill the requirements for a teaching credential and Jim Fleming was one of my instructors. Since he's a few years younger than I, he must have been in his late 20's. That's incredible: a university instructor at that young age.

I say "the latest" because over the years, I've witnessed a lot of educators, talented and fearless, get the ax, thanks to pushy parents.

Most recently, a colleague at San Clemente High was summarily fired as a direct result of parents' dissatisfaction. Students in this individual's classes threatened with "Just you wait. We're gonna get rid of you." The colleague ended up at a high school in San Jose and had a wonderfully successful school year. "I'm glad to have left Orange County. The atmosphere there is so negative. Northern California is much more cultured."

Two years ago, a colleague professor at UC-Irvine was raked over the proverbial coals by several students in a graduate seminar. They vowed to get rid of her. After some hefty debate, the university chose to support the professor. That experience, however, left a serious bad taste in the professor's mouth and hastened her retirement.

This year, I've been axed, too, thanks to a class of students who decided they didn't like/understand/appreciate my style of presenting learning materials. Of the four classes I taught this past school year at CSUF, three gave me raving reviews...but the one "class from hell" brought about a nasty departmental review process and, as a friend so sweetly stated, "You lost your gig."

The priviledged class seems to wield a lot of power around these parts. The parents in the Capistrano district acted out of small-minded meaness and spite. They are clueless regarding real education is all about.

In the long run, their kids are going to grow up with social "blinders" on. The kids will expect their world to genuflect when they so much as look sideways. The kids will have some really tough lessons to learn when Daddy and Mommy are gone.

A word to Jim Fleming--here's wishing you continued success in the world of education. As my high school class moto goes: "More beyond."

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