Wednesday, May 31, 2006


A possible write-in?

Hey, all you California voters! I've decided to reinvent history and cast a write-in vote in next week'd primary.

Remember Alfred E. Newman? Well, good news, folks! He's alive and well. And, don't you just find his devilish insouciance more appealing than any of the other candidates for governor?

Years ago, I ran for a local office: Costa Mesa Water Board. As a candidate, I attended a reception and witnessed some heavy-duty schmoozing and pressing of the flesh. What a bunch of sleaze.

After about an hour, I beat a hasty retreat back to my car. Awful! My first instinct was to go home and take a shower.

I decided to bow out of the "race" and tell all my neighbors and friends to vote for the most qualified, the fellow who ultimately won the position and is still serving in that capacity.

Politics is a dirty game, ugly and cutthroat. No wonder so few of us even bother to go out of our way to vote. Voting seems to have become an exercise in futility.

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