Wednesday, May 31, 2006


California's Gold? how about Tarnished Brass

Election season is driving me nuts! Because of a foot injury, I've been sporting a nice, "basic-black-with-pearls" cast and have been hobbling around the house on crutches. Leaving the house in a wheelchair is a real've been watching quite a bit of television.

The campaign ads for Democratic nominee for governor in California are sickening. They are such negative attacks, so full of you-know-what, that I'm tempted to flip the proverbial finger at both major candidates, Angelides and Westly, and just skip the primary altogether.

Not only that, but I'm even thinking about nodding my head in Arnold's direction, come November. Now, that would be a first: this dyed-in-the-wool liberal graduate of UCBerkeley in the early sixties voting for a Republican governor.

But, you know what, Ahnold has been keeping his nose close to the grindstone. He's been working hard at tilling the middle ground and staying out of the political fray. The centrists he's added to his staff are smart cookies.

In the meantime, I suggest that you turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to Phil and Steve. They have morphed into the penultimate of negative antagonists---not a pretty sight!

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